Classes & Events | |
JUL02 | FHN Virtual Healthy Heart Hustle Registration Deadline Last day to be guaranteed a commemorative t-shirt and participation medal. FHN Virtual Healthy Heart Hustle Registration Deadline
Last day to be guaranteed a commemorative t-shirt and participation medal. For more information, visit our Virtual Healthy Heart Hustle web page. |
JUL08 | Mobile Rx Pantry Program Pickup, Noon Freeport Lincoln Mall, 1255 West Galena Avenue, Freeport Mobile Rx Pantry Program Pickup, Noon
Freeport Lincoln Mall, 1255 West Galena Avenue, Freeport Participants can pick up their supply of produce, milk, eggs, and frozen and canned meats from the Mobile Rx Pantry program, a partnership between FHN's Connect the D.O.T.S. (Doors of Team Support) and the Northern Illinois Food Bank. No screenings will be held, and social distancing will be practiced. Volunteers will prepare baskets and deliver directly to participant vehicle trunks. No vouchers will be needed. For more information, visit our MobileRx web page, or call 815-599-6317. |
JUL08 | FHN, SCHD Offering Free COVID-19 Community Testing July 14, 28 FHN, SCHD Offering Free COVID-19 Community Testing July 14, 28
July 8, 2020 - The Stephenson County Health Department and FHN have teamed up to offer additional testing for the COVID-19 coronavirus for individuals age 18 and over, including those without symptoms (asymptomatic), at two Freeport locations in July. The testing, which may be rescheduled in case of bad weather, is scheduled for: 5 – 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 14 at Aquin High School, 1419 S. Galena, Freeport 5 – 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 28 at Taylor Park School, 806 E. Stephenson, Freeport No appointment or healthcare referral is required for this first-come, first-served no-cost nasal pharyngeal testing. Participants must bring valid photo ID and wear a mask. Those driving to the testing must remain in their car for the testing. Results, which will be communicated by the Stephenson County Health Department to those who are tested, will take at least five days. P lease note that this is not an antibody test; it will only tell you if you have the coronavirus as of this date, not if you have had it previously. Please consult your healthcare provider with any questions. |
JUL18 | FHN Virtual Healthy Heart Hustle T-shirt and Medal Pick-up, 8 11 a.m. FHN Family Healthcare Center - Burchard Hills, 1010 W. Fairway Drive FHN Virtual Healthy Heart Hustle T-shirt and Medal Pick-up, 8 11 a.m.
FHN Family Healthcare Center - Burchard Hills, 1010 W. Fairway Drive All FHN Healthy Heart Hustle Participants can pick up their commemorative T-shirt and participation medal. For more information, visit our Virtual Healthy Heart Hustle web page. |
JUL22 | Mobile Rx Pantry Program Pickup, Noon Freeport Lincoln Mall, 1255 West Galena Avenue, Freeport Mobile Rx Pantry Program Pickup, Noon
Freeport Lincoln Mall, 1255 West Galena Avenue, Freeport Participants can pick up their supply of produce, milk, eggs, and frozen and canned meats from the Mobile Rx Pantry program, a partnership between FHN's Connect the D.O.T.S. (Doors of Team Support) and the Northern Illinois Food Bank. No screenings will be held, and social distancing will be practiced. Volunteers will prepare baskets and deliver directly to participant vehicle trunks. No vouchers will be needed. For more information, visit our MobileRx web page, or call 815-599-6317. |