Training and Education

Community & Safety

BLS for Healthcare Professionals

This course was created with healthcare professionals in mind. Basic Life Support (BLS) skills are applicable to any healthcare setting. This hands-on learning program is based on the American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines.

Course Content:

  • High-quality CPR for adults, children, and infants
  • The AHA Chain of Survival, specifically the BLS components
  • Use of an AED
  • Effective ventilations using a barrier device
  • Importance of teams in multi-rescuer resuscitation and performance as an effective team member during multi-rescuer CPR
  • Relief of foreign-body airway obstruction (choking) for adults and infants

This half-day course is $40, which includes the BLS Provider Manual (contains BLS reference card) and BLS certification card that is valid for 2 years.

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*The BLS for Healthcare Professionals course is for healthcare professionals only.

Heartsaver® First Aid, CPR & AED

If you want to be prepared in the event of an emergency, this course is for you. By taking this course, you will learn the critical skills needed to respond to and manage an emergency until medical services arrive. This is hands-on program is based on the American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines.

Course Content:

  • First aid basics
  • Medical emergencies
  • Injury emergencies
  • Environmental emergencies
  • Preventing illness and injury
  • Adult CPR and AED use
  • Opioid-associated life-threatening emergencies
  • Child CPR and AED use
  • Infant CPR

This full-day course is $60, which includes the Heartsaver First Aid, CPR & AED student workbook and certification card that is valid for two years.

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Heartsaver® Pediatric First Aid, CPR & AED

Learn how to perform high-quality CPR, first aid, and proper Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) use specific to infants and children. The Heartsaver Pediatric course is beneficial to anyone who cares for children, whether that’s part of your job description, or just occasionally hanging out with young kids at family gatherings. This hands-on learning program is based on the American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines.

Course Content:

  • High-quality CPR for children and infants
  • First Aid Basics
  • Controlling bleeding & bandaging
  • Burns & electrical related injuries
  • Allergic reactions
  • Heat or cold-related injuries
  • Poison emergencies
  • Fractures and sprains
  • Use of an Automatic External Defibrillator(AED) specific to infants and children
  • Relief of foreign-body airway obstruction (choking) for adults, children, and infants

This full-day course is $60, which includes the Heartsaver Pediatric First Aid CPR AED Student Workbook and CPR certification card that is valid for 2 years.

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Poison Center Program

IPC FHN is one of just 5 Satellite Education Centers for the Illinois Poison Center. As a Satellite Education Center, IPC FHN provides many hours of poison prevention training and support throughout northwest Illinois. Poison prevention materials and poison prevention programming are available at no charge for community groups and schools.

For more information, call us at 815-232-2121.

Stop the Bleed

Stop the Bleed, a nationally-recognized program, is designed to teach non-medical people, the everyday members of the community, the importance of stopping hemorrhage. In addition, it teaches the skills necessary to control and if possible, stop bleeding in people with traumatic injuries. The goal of this training is to provide an immediate response to bleeding when trained responders or a first aid kit is not available.

Course Content:

  • A step-by-step process when an immediate response to bleeding is required
  • High-quality tourniquet training
  • Hands-on bleeding control training

This 2-hour course is $25, which includes a Stop the Bleed kit with a tourniquet, bleeding control supplies, gloves, and instructions.

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Safe Sitter® Essentials with CPR

This is a 1-day class designed to prepare students in grades 6-8 to be safe when they're home alone, watching younger siblings, or babysitting. The Instructor-led class is filled with fun games and role-playing exercises. Students even get to use manikins to practice rescue skills like choking rescue and CPR. This course adds basic CPR practice but does NOT lead to certification.

Course Content:

  • Child care skills
  • Safety skills
  • First aid & rescue skills
  • Life & business skills

This full-day course is $50.00 which includes the Safe Sitter Essentials Student Handbook and completion card.

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Breastfeeding Class

One of the many decisions parents need to make as they prepare for the birth of their baby is whether to breastfeed or bottle-feed. This class will be helpful to those parents who have already decided to breastfeed their baby or need to know more about breastfeeding in order to make a decision.

The single-session breastfeeding class is held the first Tuesday of every other month from 7–9 p.m. Although the session is free, registration is required to insure we have adequate materials. No referral is needed.

Register online, or for more information call the FHN Family Birthing Center at 815-599-6221.

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Prenatal Classes

The FHN and Stephenson County Health Department Prenatal Classes are presented by Doulas as well as OB Registered Nurses. These classes provide information about pregnancy, labor, delivery, cesarean section, and postpartum recovery.

Please note: One element of the training will focus on relaxation, breathing techniques, comfort measures, and aromatherapy. We do not teach Lamaze or Bradley methods.

Topics Covered

  • Anatomy of the pregnant woman
  • Getting familiar with pregnancy-related terms
  • Nutrition
  • Discomforts associated with pregnancy
  • Equipment for labor
  • Video: Stages of Labor
  • Complications of pregnancy and labor
  • Stages of labor
  • Options for pain control
  • Baby's appearance
  • Baby's care in the first hours after birth
  • Breastfeeding
  • Car seat information
  • Video: Hello Baby
  • Labor induction
  • Cesarean section
  • Postpartum period
  • Caring for baby at home
  • What to bring to the hospital for mom, baby and support person
  • Relaxation, meditation and breathing techniques
  • Video: Tried and True
  • Tour of the OB unit
(Information may change from class to class)

Register or call FHN OB Department at 815-599-6244 or the Stephenson County Health Department at 815-801-8631.
Clases Prenatales en Español

Para dar cabida a familias de habla hispana, también ofrecemos clases prenatales en español.

Impartidas por la enfermera obstetra registrada Juana Peñaloza, estas clases brindan información sobre el embarazo, el trabajo de parto, el parto, la cesárea y la recuperación posparto.

Regístrate aquí. Llame al 815-599-6221 o hable con su proveedor de obstetricia para obtener más información.

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Sibling Class

The Sibling Class provides an opportunity for brothers and sisters awaiting a new baby in the family to learn about what to expect when the new baby arrives. The free class video presentation includes a tour of the FHN Family Birthing Center, viewing a real baby, learning how to hold a baby, and ways to help Mom.

You can watch the video at any time. No referral is needed; call 815-599-6221 for more information.

Athlete Training Programs

Sports Injury Reduction: This program provides information to enhance athletic performance and reduce the risk of sports injury.

Individual Training for Athletes: This program provides custom training programs for athletes. The personalized training program begins by assessing the athlete for prior injuries. The trainer then leads the athlete through specific exercises and provides a workout plan to help achieve specific athletic goals, along with education on proper exercise technique and body mechanics.

The cost of these programs varies; no referral is needed. For more information, contact FHN Sports Medicine at 815-599-6340.

Diabetes Education Programs

The Diabetes Education Program teaches diabetes patients the skills they need to manage their disease. Education is provided in a variety of ways including individual appointments and group sessions. The group classes and one-on-one appointments are taught by a diabetic educator and registered nurse.

Diabetes Self-Management Training (DSMT)

Our comprehensive Basics program provides well-rounded information to help patients achieve and maintain optimal blood glucose control. Topics discussed include nutrition, exercise, blood glucose testing, diabetes-related complications, wellness, and overall self-management skills.

A healthcare provider’s referral is necessary for this program, and there is a cost to attend. Diabetes education may be covered by private health insurance, and Medicare Part B covers this program. For more information, contact Diabetes Education at 815-599-6253.

Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT)

MNT is not about dieting. Instead, it's about managing your disease through a healthy approach to your eating habits and lifestyle. Available through FHN, Medicare Part B covers nutrition services provided by registered dietitians, a nutrition expert on disease management.

A healthcare provider’s referral is necessary for this program, and there is a cost to attend. Diabetes education may be covered by private health insurance, and Medicare Part B covers this program.

Other services include insulin pump therapy, blood glucose testing, insulin instruction, and continuous blood glucose sensor monitoring. A healthcare provider's referral is necessary for these programs. For more information, contact Diabetes Education at 815-599-6253.

Pre-Diabetes Class: Small Steps. Big Rewards.

FHN also offers this diabetes program free of charge. This program is not as comprehensive as Diabetes Self-Management Training, and is open to the community, with no referral needed.

The pre-diabetes program Small Steps Big Rewards is a national pre-diabetes education program presented jointly by the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This two-hour class helps individuals at risk for type 2 diabetes take the first step toward preventing diabetes and living a longer, healthier life. You should attend if you have one or more of these diabetes risk factors:

  • You have been told you have high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol
  • You exercise fewer than three times a week
  • You have a parent or sibling who has diabetes
  • You are over the age of 45 and are overweight
  • You may bring a family member or support person with you to the sessions

For more information, contact Diabetes Education at 815-599-6253.

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Get Fit

A 12-week online health and wellness program designed to promote healthy eating and a healthy, fit lifestyle.

Find out more and register at

School Health Programs

Health and feeling good are important factors in children's ability to live up to their potential. FHN's school health programs provide students with tools they need to grow up to be productive, responsible ,and intelligent adults. The programs are informative, fun, and best of all - FREE! Teachers, please contact us at 815-232-2121 about how to make these classes part of your school-year curriculum.

Programs presented in the classroom by an FHN Community Health Educator:


  • Germs Away: This half-hour program shows children what germs are and how they spread. In addition, the program shows children the importance of washing their hands. An interactive hand-washing activity accompanies the program which allows the children to see how well they washed the special light-sensitive dye off their hands. At the end of the program, each child receives an activity book.

Grades 1 - 4

  • Germs Away (see description above)
  • Be Smart About Poisons: This half-hour program teaches the importance of poison prevention and education along with safety tips on how to be poison smart.
  • Brush Up: This half-hour program emphasizes the importance of dental hygiene.
  • Food, Fun and Fitness: Students will learn about the importance of good nutrition, exercise and sleep.

Grades 5 - 6

  • Don't Start: This half-hour smoking prevention program uses pig lungs to demonstrate the negative effects of tobacco on the human body.

> Download program brochure

Speakers' Bureau

The FHN Speakers' Bureau coordinates presentations for FHN healthcare providers and team members to talk with local organizations and share our expertise so that people in the community can become healthier and better-informed healthcare consumers. We can match a speaker to your needs. This service is free. For more information, call FHN Community Services at 815-599-7437 or email