Volunteer at FHN

Volunteers are dedicated individuals who donate their time and talents to supplement and extend the activities of the FHN team. They are special people who offer unique kindness to our patients, their families and visitors and FHN team members - and their contributions are always appreciated.

As a volunteer, you will enhance FHN services and provide a helping hand for our patients and their families and friends. FHN offers opportunities for volunteering at all locations, including FHN Memorial Hospital and FHN Hospice.

Be an FHN Volunteer

We welcome interested adults and students to our FHN Volunteer Services Team. FHN offers a variety of service areas for the individual who is looking to volunteer in a professional environment. Duties are varied and involve work areas that both directly and indirectly provide or support patient care.

Why should you volunteer?
Volunteering allows you to develop new friendships, reduce stress, explore new careers and improve your self-esteem. In addition, student volunteers (minimum age 14) gain confidence in their abilities and increased knowledge as they are exposed to jobs at all levels and skills. This exposure is a critical success factor as they consider future goals and make plans for a career.

FHN volunteers play a major role in our commitment to provide superior quality healthcare services to all our patients in the communities we serve.

FHN volunteers serve in the following capacities:

  • Beyond Words Pet Therapy Program
  • Provide special project and service work in FHN departments and FHN healthcare center offices (all locations)
  • Deliver mail
  • Provide patient escort and errand service
  • Staff the information desk in the surgical waiting room
  • Provide sewing and crafts
  • Deliver Meals on Wheels (Freeport only)
  • FHN Hospice

For more information or to discuss becoming an FHN Volunteer, contact the FHN Volunteer Services Department at 815-599-6752.

Be an FHN Hospice Volunteer

The FHN Hospice volunteer is an important member of the hospice care team and performs duties which supplement professional services but do not substitute for them. The volunteer can provide an empathetic, non-judgmental, listening and caring presence for both patients and their caregivers.

FHN Hospice volunteers are individuals from a variety of backgrounds who are specially selected and receive in-depth training before they are assigned to a patient and family.

The FHN Hospice Volunteer Coordinator works closely with all team members, especially nurses and social workers, to determine how a volunteer, and the various services he or she offers, may best benefit patients and caregivers.

FHN Hospice volunteers serve in the following capacities:

  • Stay with the patient so the family can rest
  • Read and listen to patients – be a good companion
  • Run errands, do grocery shopping and pick up prescriptions
  • Do light housework, laundry and meal preparation
  • Take children or grandchildren for an outing

The thorough FHN Hospice volunteer training provides information on all aspects of hospice care and hospice volunteering, and equips volunteers to provide compassionate care and companionship to the terminally ill and their families.

Free FHN Hospice Volunteer training sessions are offered each spring and fall. For more information or to discuss becoming an FHN Hospice volunteer, contact FHN Hospice at 815-599-7240.

Be an On-Call FHN Chaplain Volunteer

Spiritual and emotional well-being plays an instrumental role in the overall holistic healing process. As FHN's Pastoral Care Department, Spiritual Care Coordinator, and on-call Chaplains; we are dedicated to providing and facilitating these needs for patients, their families, and staff. We understand the spiritual and emotional challenges many people may face daily, especially when dealing with health issues.

Have you ever felt a desire to help others? We are a 100-bed hospital facility with one Staff Chaplain and an on-call Volunteer Chaplain’s system. We are always looking for dedicated, spiritually filled, and theologically sound ministers to join our volunteer ranks. This opportunity is ideal for present or former pastors, Stephens Ministers, or faith-strong individuals with counseling backgrounds who can compassionately and empathetically provide support through listening, comfort, presence, prayer, and resourcing to our patients, families, and staff at FHN.

If you feel you would be a good fit and are interested in volunteering or to learn more about this humbling service opportunity to help FHN and its community members, please contact Spiritual Care Coordinator Sean Huguenin at 815-599-6160.

Be a C.A.R.E. Conversations Volunteer

FHN C.A.R.E. volunteers provide our patients heartfelt conversations, offering comfort to patients and/or families knowing someone is checking in on them with regular phone calls. This may offer caregivers and/or families members peace of mind knowing their loved ones are not alone. Check-in calls may include wellness, patient rounding, quality of care, companionship and story sharing.

C - COMPANIONSHIP for patients experiencing boredom, loneliness or seeking company
A - ATTENTIVE phone calls that occur based upon the needs of the patient
R - Phone companions that will listen RESPECTFULLY and wholeheartedly converse with patients
E - Providing EMPATHY to patients during every phone call interaction, including their family members

All volunteers will complete designated orientation and review/complete proper documentation:

  • HIPAA Policy, Confidentiality Agreement
  • Volunteers will complete a PATIENT FEEDBACK (department specific) document during patient phone calls that will be shared with the Volunteer Services Coordinator and passed along to appropriate teams.

    Wonderful relationships can be built through C.A.R.E Conversations, encouraging trust and respect, and improving the quality of care for our patients.

    If you would like to learn more about becoming a volunteer, contact the Volunteer Services Coordinator at FHN Memorial Hospital at 815-599-6752.