Since 2001, the Illinois Poison Center has partnered with hospitals located throughout the state to integrate poison prevention education into their programs and services. FHN is one of 6 Satellite Educators in the state of Illinois. The IPC provides free educational materials for parents, teachers and public officials to maintain the safety of their family and community in both English and Spanish.

For more information about education opportunities, call us at 815-232-2121.

Online Resources

Poison Prevention Education

This free online Poison Prevention Education Course is approved for 1 hour of CEC credit.
Educational Course for the Prevention of Poisonings
Curso Educativo para la Prevención de Intoxicaciones

Online Poison Resource Tool

Information about toxicity levels, possible symptoms, and what to do for the most common substanced ingested by children (i.e. poop, glow sticks, cannabis edibles, cosmetics, vaping products, toothpaste, etc.).

Illinois Poison Center Blog

Calls/cases handled by the IPC's free, confidential 800-222-1222 helpline staff (pharmacists and nurses). These cases represent just a single day's call volume; cases/calls that are real and fascinating.
A Day in the Life of a Poison Center
Un Día en la Vida de un Centro Contra Intoxicaciones

Personal Safety Packets

Each complimentary safety packet includes a sticker, magnet and first aid tips for poisonings.
Request a Safety Packet
Solicite un Paquete de Seguridad

Illinois Poison Center Helpline

There is no issue or question too big or too small ... call 1-800-222-1222.
Our medical experts are available 24/7/365. Calls are free and confidential.

Línea de ayuda del Centro de Illinois contra Intoxicaciones

No dude en llamar a la línea de ayuda al 1-800-222-1222 si le preocupa que usted u otra persona haya estado expuesta a una sustancia tóxica. Las llamadas son gratuitas y confidenciales.