4 Seasons Bowling Center, 1100 W Galena Avenue, Freeport
Check-in begins at 5 p.m. | Bowling starts at 6 p.m.
Join the FHN Foundation for a fun-filled evening of bowling with friends at this year’s Lights, Camera, BOWL. We invite participants to dress as characters from your team’s chosen movie or genre. Have fun with it!
All proceeds raised will support the FHN Memorial Hospital pediatric therapy renovations, including the addition of two private treatment rooms to allow for parent observation during sessions, storage areas, and new furniture and equipment.
No problem! Sign up individually and we will match you with other individuals to make a six-person team.
With additional donations, individual bowlers have the chance to earn the following incentives:
If you are unable to attend the event, but would like to make a charitable contribution in support of the Pediatric Therapy renovations at FHN Memorial Hospital, please donate using the registration link above or stop by the FHN Foundation at FHN Memorial Hospital.
For more information about Striking Success for Children, please contact the FHN Foundation at 815-599-6900 or cseal@fhn.org.