Sign up for some healthy competition!

Your summer sports and other physical activity can help schools within FHN's service area! FHN's Miles and Minutes program encourages you to log various types of physical activity to win prize money for the school system of your choice.

The 2025 competition runs Monday, May 26 through Sunday, August 24, but you can log activity up to two weeks after completion. Just make sure your activities are logged by Sunday, September 7.

Anyone age 12 and older can join this free program - including student athletes!

As you log your minutes of physical activity, those minutes will automatically be converted into miles. This will make it easy to follow the competition, and prizes will be awarded in miles in two categories:

  • School system with the most average "miles" logged per participant
  • School system with the most "miles" total

Miles are normalized to help ensure a more level playing field for schools of all sizes. First prize for each category is $2000, second prize is $1000, and third prize is $500!

Registration begins May 10.


At the end of the summer, we'll draw three winners at random from all the Sweepstakes entries! Prize winners in the regular categories (school system with the most average "miles" logged per participant and school system with the most "miles" total) won't be eligible for Sweepstakes prizes.

Winners in the Sweepstakes category will receive:

  • First prize: $500
  • Second prize: $400
  • Third prize: $300

Prize money for all of the categories will be awarded in October.


Encourage Competition for Your School System!

Download a flyer to whip up excitement and support for your school system!

FHN Miles and Minutes will be promoted throughout the region through advertising and other FHN marketing methods. We hope you will also encourage students, their families, and friends in the school system of your choice to help earn miles while they get some healthy exercise! You could set up your own competitive teams, get together for group walks, develop your own prize system to honor weekly winners, promote your progress via Facebook, or think of dozens of other ways to encourage and recognize participation.

This program is intended for those age 12 and over. It may not be appropriate for individuals who have heart rhythm irregularities or are recent surgical patients, for women who are pregnant, or for others with health conditions. If you have questions or concerns, check with your healthcare provider before beginning an activity regimen.