Arrange a Pet Therapy Visit

dog with patient Our dogs make regular rounds throughout various offices at FHN, and you can also request a dog to be present for specific times or treatments, such as chemotherapy sessions, a patient's birthday, or even just to make a youngster feel better about getting a shot.

If you would like to arrange a therapy dog visit, please call 815-599-6752 or make a request online below. We will confirm that your provider is comfortable with your request – there may be reasons at times that it is not appropriate for a dog to be present. We will confirm your request with you so that you know when to expect a cold nose…and a warm heart.

I would like to arrange a pet therapy visit.

Patient name: The patient's name is required.
Patient's provider:
Date of requested visit:
Time of requested visit:
Location (within FHN) of patient at time of requested visit:

Contact information for person requesting visit

Name: Your name is required.
Relationship to patient
(can be self):
Please tell us your relationship to the patient.
Phone: A phone number is required.
Alternate phone (if any):
Email: Email address is required.
Additional comments:

Please allow 2 business days for us to contact you about your pet therapy visit. If you have questions or need help with special arrangements, please call 815-599-6752.