FHN Gift Guide
We are honored and blessed that the FHN Foundation is a vehicle donors use to make a difference in the lives of others. The generous gifts made to the FHN Foundation provide funding for equipment, facilities, patient care, staff training/education, and community health needs. Thank you for partnering with the FHN Foundation to provide healthcare excellence for our communities!
The items in this Gift Guide represent some of the items the FHN Foundation is presently seeking to fund. There is a brief description next to each item, as well as a suggested gift amount. Please note, donations of any amount are welcome toward these current initiatives, or you can always make a general gift to the FHN Foundation that will be used where it is needed most.
FHN Foundation’s Current Initiatives
Diaper Drive for the Community: FHN sponsors an annual Diaper Drive serving area children. Each year the attendance has grown, showing the need for this outreach. Diapers and wipes are not part of government funded supports, such as WIC. These items are very expensive and any relief is always welcomed by families. During the four years FHN has conducted the Diaper Drive, we have purchased 7,640 packages of diapers and 3,000 packages of wipes, as well as diaper creams, baby bath, and lotion. In 2023 alone, 150 children were served. Each gift of $20 will help ensure that diapers and other necessary resources, are available for families in need.
Spiritual and Pastoral Care: In 2023, FHN’s chaplain and volunteer team provided
religious, spiritual, and emotional support through resources, comfort, and prayer to more than
1,500 patients within our hospital. Beyond patients, the Pastoral Care team has supported families and FHN staff members in times of need, as well as mobilized within our communities in times of crisis and trauma debriefs. FHN’s Chaplain also operates several care groups that are open to members of the community such as Grief Support. Each gift of $25 will help ensure that necessary resources, such as Bibles and grief support literature, or items that address other spiritual and religious needs, are available.
Patient Transportation: Rural residents encounter barriers to healthcare that limit their ability to obtain the care they need. One of these barriers is transportation, as rural populations travel longer distances for healthcare services. When people do not have access to transportation, or cannot afford transportation to and from their healthcare appointments, it can negatively impact their wellbeing. The FHN Foundation has a fund to assist patients who demonstrate a financial need and require assistance with transportation so that they can receive appropriate medical care. In 2023, the FHN Foundation expended more than $6,000 to assist patients with transportation needs. Each gift of $50 will assist patients with transportation costs.
Blood Pressure Cuff and Thermometer Kits for patients of the Leonard C. Ferguson Cancer Center: When patients receive radiation or chemotherapy, they are more susceptible to develop sepsis than the general population. At the Ferguson Cancer Center, we educate patients to look for early warning signs of sepsis, which include a fever and low blood pressure. When patients have the ability to stay home and check these vital signs, they are also staying away from busy doctor’s offices. Avoiding these offices decreases their exposure to potential additional health issues while they are immunocompromised. Recognizing sepsis early is key to treatment and reducing mortality for our immunocompromised patients. Each gift of $50 provides a blood pressure cuff and oral thermometer to patients in need.
Wheelchairs:This piece of medical equipment is integral in transporting patients to various locations within FHN. The FHN Foundation would like to help replace some of the existing wheelchairs and purchase additional wheelchairs. Each gift of $75 will assist us in purchasing wheelchairs. This is an ongoing project.
Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Diabetes Education Programs: After someone has a heart or lung issue, that individual will need to get themselves back in shape to try to return to living as normal of a life as possible and to minimize future health issues. Similarly, for those who are newly diagnosed with diabetes, there is much education needed to improve diet and behaviors in order to reduce complications from this disease. Unfortunately, FHN is seeing more and more patients who cannot afford to attend the Rehabilitation sessions or Diabetes Education classes. Each gift of $75 will help provide patients with the ability to attend these sessions. Please specify if your gift is for Cardiac Rehabilitation or Diabetes Education.
Scholarship Funds: The FHN Foundation offers scholarships for nursing students as well as scholarships for non-nursing healthcare careers (Certified Nursing Assistant, Medical Assistant, Emergency Medical Services, Pharmacy Tech, etc.). Shortages of workers in these key healthcare careers has a devastating effect on the medical care that FHN provides.
The FHN Foundation is utilizing these scholarships to help build a vibrant and talented pool of health care workers. Our goal is to increase the Scholarship Funds so even more students can receive financial help as they pursue their dream of becoming a healthcare worker. By helping future medical field employees receive their education, your gift will impact the lives of patients daily and improve the health and wellness of our region. Each gift of $100 will help provide scholarships to deserving students. Please specify if your gift is for nursing or non-nursing scholarships.
Tool Kits for Patients with Diabetes: In order to provide the best experience possible, we would like to replace the exam tables at the Cancer Center. These tables are used by hundreds of patients each year and are integral to the medical care of patients with an oncology diagnosis. Each gift of $100 will assist in providing patients with these toolkits.
REPEX McKenzie Extension and Flexion Table: Rehab Services would like to acquire a special mat table to use with our spine patients. This table will allow therapists to create individualized patient programs that will treat and manage both acute and chronic low back and leg pain by mechanically and passively exercising the patient’s lower back through its full available end-range in a position of comfort. The table is fully adjustable to accommodate patients of all heights and sizes. Each gift of $250 or more will assist in purchasing the table.
Thank you for taking the time to review this Gift Guide. If you are passionate about one or more of the items listed, you can use the enclosed form and business reply envelope to send a gift designated toward the item(s) of your choice. Alternatively, you can make a general gift to the FHN Foundation which we will use where it is most needed.
Your generosity improves the health and wellness of the people in our community!
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