Calendar – Support Groups

Classes & Events
AUG26 Living Through Grief, 6 p.m. FHN Memorial Hospital Deaconess Room, 1045 W. Stephenson Street, Freeport
Living Through Grief, 6 p.m.
FHN Memorial Hospital Deaconess Room, 1045 W. Stephenson Street, Freeport

This group helps participants learn more about the grief process, share stories of loss, and regain hope for healing. For more information, contact FHN Hospice 815-599-7240.
SEP03 The First Steps Grief Support Group, 10 – 11:30 a.m. FHN Memorial Hospital Conference Dining Room - Lower Level
The First Steps Grief Support Group, 10 – 11:30 a.m.
FHN Memorial Hospital Conference Dining Room - Lower Level

First Steps Grief Support Group is a bereavement group designed especially for anyone who has experienced a loss within the last 6 months. This 6-session group, meeting over the course of 3 months, offers you support as the first steps are taken in dealing with a loss.

To register or more information, contact FHN Spiritual Care Coordinator, Sean Huguenin, at 815-599-6160 or visit There is a maximum capacity of 12 attendees.
SEP04 Caregiver Support Group, 2 – 3:30 p.m. Virtual Meeting
Caregiver Support Group, 2 – 3:30 p.m.
Virtual Meeting

Free group for those who provide care to a family member, friend, or member of the community. Open-forum discussion and a chance to ask questions and share resources. Visit for the secure Zoom link or contact Sean Huguenin at 815-599-6160 for more information.
SEP04 Adult Diabetes Support Group, 5 – 6 p.m.
Adult Diabetes Support Group, 5 – 6 p.m.
FHN Memorial Hospital Conference Dining Room - Lower Level; 1045 W. Stephenson Street, Freeport

Participation is free for anyone in the general public who has diabetes, and no referral or registration is required. Meetings are facilitated by FHN Diabetes Educators. For more information, call 815-599-6253
SEP09 Living Through Grief, 6 p.m. FHN Memorial Hospital Deaconess Room, 1045 W. Stephenson Street, Freeport
Living Through Grief, 6 p.m.
FHN Memorial Hospital Deaconess Room, 1045 W. Stephenson Street, Freeport

This group helps participants learn more about the grief process, share stories of loss, and regain hope for healing. For more information, contact FHN Hospice 815-599-7240.
SEP12 Breastfeeding Support Group, 2 p.m. Freeport Public Library, 100 E. Douglas Street, Freeport
Breastfeeding Support Group, 2 p.m.
Freeport Public Library, 100 E. Douglas Street, Freeport

Bring your baby and join other moms to share knowledge and talk about the most up-to-date breastfeeding information. Discussions will be led by lactation experts from the FHN/SCHD Breastfeeding Task Force. This group is open to all moms and free to attend; visit for more information.
SEP17 First Steps Grief Support Group, 10 – 11:30 a.m. FHN Memorial Hospital Conference Dining Room - Lower Level
First Steps Grief Support Group, 10 – 11:30 a.m.
FHN Memorial Hospital Conference Dining Room - Lower Level

First Steps Grief Support Group is a bereavement group designed especially for anyone who has experienced a loss within the last 6 months. This 6-session group, meeting over the course of 3 months, offers you support as the first steps are taken in dealing with a loss.

To register or more information, contact FHN Spiritual Care Coordinator, Sean Huguenin, at 815-599-6160 or visit There is a maximum capacity of 12 attendees.
SEP18 Caregiver Support Group, 2 – 3:30 p.m. Virtual Meeting
Caregiver Support Group, 2 – 3:30 p.m.
Virtual Meeting

Free group for those who provide care to a family member, friend, or member of the community. Open-forum discussion and a chance to ask questions and share resources. Visit for the secure Zoom link or contact Sean Huguenin at 815-599-6160 for more information.
SEP23 Living Through Grief, 6 p.m. FHN Memorial Hospital Deaconess Room, 1045 W. Stephenson Street, Freeport
Living Through Grief, 6 p.m.
FHN Memorial Hospital Deaconess Room, 1045 W. Stephenson Street, Freeport

This group helps participants learn more about the grief process, share stories of loss, and regain hope for healing. For more information, contact FHN Hospice 815-599-7240.
SEP26 Breastfeeding Support Group, 2 p.m. Freeport Public Library, 100 E. Douglas Street, Freeport
Breastfeeding Support Group, 2 p.m.
Freeport Public Library, 100 E. Douglas Street, Freeport

Bring your baby and join other moms to share knowledge and talk about the most up-to-date breastfeeding information. Discussions will be led by lactation experts from the FHN/SCHD Breastfeeding Task Force. This group is open to all moms and free to attend; visit for more information.